بازدیدها: 3
Nowadays, parasite cities has been developed in order to attak of rural migrants in hope obtain atleast their daily bread and in reality cities cannot prosper without establishing social justice. The loss is not felt merely by the affected populations in rural areas, but has major repercussions for towns, cities and metropolises because of the increasing ecological, economic and social interdependence between the urban centres and their rural hinterlands. These repercussions travel beyond national and continental boundaries through waves of environment – driven migrants to the centres of the developed world. Therefore, a viable framework of action to combat desertification, has to take into account the relationships of interdependence between : * Land degradation, poverty and sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. * Urbanization, rural development and environmental management. * Global cooperation, national policy and local development. It requires concerted an coordinate action at internationL,regional , national and local levels. For presentation of this paper the Kohanz village mentioned as a simple of society that has been affected by desertification process and involved twofold livelihoods. in this investigation, has been studied physical , human and economic geography of Kohanz village and has been emphasisted its population, imagration and its Socio – economic dependence to city and its unharmonious physical development .