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Rangeland Research Groups
Major Research Axes in Rangeland Ecology and Biology
- Identification of rangeland plant communities and types
- Investigation of the individual ecology of important rangeland species
- Study of plant succession and frequency in rangelands
- Investigation of the adaptability of native and exotic rangeland species to various ecological conditions and introduction of high-quality species
- Investigation of ecological relationships between vegetation cover, livestock, and humans in rangeland ecosystems
- Introduction of suitable methods for rangeland ecology studies under various rangeland conditions in the country
Major Research Axes in Rangeland Management and Socioeconomic Issues
- Investigation of rangeland utilization systems
- Investigation of livestock-rangeland relationships
- Investigation of the socioeconomic issues of rangeland users
Major Research Axes in Agronomy, Improvement, and Introduction of Rangeland Species
- Identification of the potential of herbaceous rangeland species that can be used in rainfed lands
- Research on suitable agronomic and agro-technical methods for forage production in suitable rainfed lands
- Zoning of suitable areas for forage cultivation in rainfed lands
- Determination of the most suitable model for rangeland rehabilitation and restoration
- Assistance in the cultivation and establishment of important rangeland species