
Based on the available documents, until the Qajar period, there was no coherent and organized organization and structure for the management of renewable natural resources in Iran. Naturally, until this time, no management was done in the field of scientific and technical exploitation of natural resources. For the first time, on March 29, 1284, a specific administrative organization was proposed in the country’s administrative organization and proposed to the parliament. In this organization, an office under the name of “Railways and Forests Department” was established in the Ministry of Public Benefits. During the years 1288-1299, a number of foreign merchants and companies began to exploit the boxwood, walnut and oak trees of the northern forests and exported the obtained materials by paying a small fee to the customs. Therefore, considering the customs statistics, the government realized the importance of forests and the need to protect them. In 1296, according to the approval letter of the Board of Ministers, “Forestry Branch” was established in the organization of the Ministry of Public Benefits, Trade and Agriculture. In this way, the initial core of the natural resources organization was formed in the country, and in 1299, the “Ministry of Agriculture and Trade” established an office, albeit a rudimentary one, in the forests of the north of the country. The task of this department was to map forests, separate private forests from government ones, and determine virgin and industrial forests from degraded and scrub forests.

In 1317, in the Department of Agricultural Affairs, “Forest Department” was established in the General Department of Agriculture and its management was entrusted to Mr. Engineer Karim Saei in 1318. As a result of the diligent actions of the late Engineer Sa’i, the attention of the General Department of Agriculture was more and more focused on the issue of forests, and as a result, a separate department named “Forestry Department” was formed under his own leadership in 1319. After the establishment of this department, Mr. Engineer Sae prepared a comprehensive report on the necessity of establishing a forestry organization. In 1321, the Forestry Department became the “General Department of Forestry”.

With the approval of the country’s first development plan in 1327, the Council of Ministers mandated the Ministry of Agriculture to establish an agency called “Forests Agency” in order to preserve and protect the forests, and the Ministry of Finance was mandated to protect all state forests and pastures located in the area of ​​that forest. transfer to the forest company. According to this law, the forest company had an independent legal personality and was under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the years 1331 to 1334, the forests of the north of the country were in severe crisis due to the destruction and cutting of forest trees. Many trees were cut without observing scientific principles and with great intensity, and this crisis in the destruction of the forest, in addition to other factors, caused the military delegations to enter the forest. All these developments in the field of natural resources management of the country led to the formation of the “Forestry Organization” and the approval of the Law of Forests and Ranges in 1338. In this year, after the approval of the Law of Forests and Ranges of the country, according to the letter of approval No. 28500 dated 11/21/1338, the Forestry Agency became “Iranian Forestry Organization” and the new organization with the powers provided in the aforementioned law began to Function.

With the revelation of the importance and necessity of repairing and restoring the destroyed vegetation in the country, the scope of studies and researches in this field became wider and over time, pasture plant seed production stations were established and launched during the years 1339 to 1343 and the studies ” Agronomy was done on them. During this period, the research center for sub-cold Humand pastures was established in the cold semi-steppe region of the country. In order to expand the studies and research of natural resources in Tehran and Central provinces, in total, the number of 17 Qorq and research stations such as Nodhak Qazvin and Rud Shur (representing steppe pastures) were established in different ecological conditions of the country. In addition, 6 research sub-stations were established in Isfahan, Chaharmahal, Bakhtiari and Fars provinces.

The developments of the 40s, as a turning point of structural changes in research and implementation in natural resources and environment, are very important and worthy of attention. In 1346, with the establishment of the “Ministry of Natural Resources”, the importance of plant communities and natural habitats grew more and more. In this way, parallel to the formation of the Ministry of Natural Resources in 1346 and the increase in the volume of actions and activities of the government in the field of natural resources, as well as the need to focus on natural resources research, the grounds for the establishment of the country’s forests and pastures research institute were provided, and finally after the formation of consensus and agreement In order to establish an independent research institution in the field of research related to forests and pastures, on 10/08/1348, the law on the establishment of “Natural Resources Research Institute” was approved by the then National Council and notified to the Ministry of Natural Resources for implementation.

According to this law, the Ministry of Natural Resources was allowed to establish an institute called “Natural Resources Research Institute” in order to research and study and concentrate the research related to that part of the country’s natural resources which is under the responsibility of the said Ministry according to the law. With the description, the primary core of the formation of the “Institute of Forests and Pastures of the Country” with the aim of conducting research and studies in the direction of identification, protection, revival, exploitation and sustainable management of the country’s forests, pastures and deserts, including the country’s vegetation, growing medium, living environmental factors And their non-living and related products, including industrial, pharmaceutical, toxic, etc., were developed in the second half of the 40s.

Later, with the dissolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources on 11/12/1350 and the formation of the “National Forests and Rangelands Organization”, the Natural Resources Research Institute continued to operate independently under the supervision of a deputy in the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

In 1353, the law establishing the “Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Organization” was approved by the parliament, and until 1369, the National Forestry and Pasture Research Institute was affiliated to this organization in the Ministry of Agriculture. In the middle of 1369, based on the single article of the law