Goals and tasks

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A: Purpose
Conducting research and studies in order to identify, protect, restore, exploit and sustainably manage the country’s forests, pastures and deserts, including vegetation, growth medium, their living and non-living environmental factors and related products such as industrial, medicinal, poisonous etc

B- Basic duties
• Guiding, planning and approving and conducting fundamental and applied research related to the identification, protection, restoration, exploitation and sustainable management of renewable natural resources including all forest, pasture and desert areas of the country.
• Determining the priorities of natural resources research according to its scope throughout the country.
• Developing and proposing suitable strategies and policies for the country’s natural environments.
• Scientific-technical support for the executive plans of managing the country’s forests, pastures and deserts.
• Scientific supervision of the country’s natural resources management plans and executive programs.
• Collecting the results of researches and studies conducted in research offices and centers, commenting and general conclusions from them, printing and publishing articles, books and scientific publications at the country level for the use of various executive, educational and public institutions.
• Establishing the necessary communication and coordination with executive and educational institutions and organizations in order to assess the needs and exchange the obtained research results.
• Supervising the implementation of research programs related to departments and subordinate research centers and evaluating research plans.
• Cooperation with institutions, educational, research and executive centers in the matter of education and training of specialized human resources needed by the country in the field of natural resources.
• Providing suitable equipment and platform for research in parallel with the growth of technical knowledge and updating of research.
• Scientific and research evaluation of institute researchers and research centers.
• Cooperation with domestic and foreign educational and research centers and institutions in the field of exchange of scientific and experimental information and related requirements (seeds, seedlings, plant samples, scientific books and publications, etc.).
• Holding seminars and participating in international scientific meetings and congresses.
• Directing and technical supervision of subordinate research centers in terms of manpower supply.
• Establishing national, provincial and regional research stations and trying to improve the quality and quantity of the existing stations with the scientific supervision of the institute.
• Preparation and adjustment of long-term, medium-term and short-term programs in line with natural resources research.
• Setting up the annual budget of the institution to propose to the decision-making bodies.
• Submitting reports on the physical progress of research programs and projects to relevant authorities.