Goals and tasks


  • Study and research on Botany, Horticulture and Ecology fields
  • Identifying Plant Biodiversity of Iran and programming for their conservation as In-Situ and Ex-situ Conservations
  • Improving the knowledge of botany and presenting it to the community
  • Promoting public culture in order for environmental conservation


  • Studying and identifying plant species in Iran and surrounding countries through different methods
  • Ecological study of phytosociology and providing vegetation cover maps
  • Conducting plant geographical study due to determination of floristic division
  • Ex-situ conservation of plant species in Botanical gardens
  • Research and study on the cultivation of native species, introducing suitable species to green space, forest, industry….
  • Studying and identifying the rare and endangered plant species and attempting to preserve the heritage reserve through botanical gardens, seed banks and genetic resources,
  • Seed exchange of plant species through botanical gardens in the world
  • Using live and dried botanic collections to education and research for students
  • Create and develop a botanical garden network.
  • Planning research on botany
  • Create and develop seed bank natural resources.