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Desert Research Department

Summary of the most important research achievements of the desert research department

Providing a suitable platform to identify the main critical areas of the country and the most important factors that reduce the efficiency of the land, the results of which can increase the success rate of development programs with the help of national planners. In this way, not only the wastage of national capital is prevented, but also the deterioration of vulnerable and fragile ecosystems of the country is reduced. In this regard, the following can be mentioned as part of the achievements of the desert research department:

Determining the territory of Iran’s natural deserts from different perspectives.
Determining the roughness, physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the country’s sand fields
Achieving new methods of sand stabilization in critical areas of Sistan
Investigating the vegetative potential of desert areas of Iran using the water balance method
Evaluating the effectiveness of implementation plans and projects in the desert area
Research on mass optimization of tag afforestation
Evaluating the effectiveness of several different types of chemical mulches in order to replace oil mulches in stabilizing quicksands
Investigating the possible impact of dust storms on Zagros oaks (Brodar species) using biotracing
Approximate estimation of water requirement of several plant species in the desert regions of the country
Investigating the characteristics of geo-hydropedology and vegetation on the edge of Iran’s humid deserts for their biological restoration.
Discovering the maximum efficiency of the country’s studies in preparing the desertification map according to the FAO and UNEP method and determining the efficiency of the country’s information power by separating the nine representative processes of desertification;
Determining the most suitable time and place for planting the species used to stabilize sandy unevenness.
Choosing the most suitable type of windbreak, its height and distances to stabilize flowing sand.
Knowledge of the advantages and problems of planting net crops in stabilized sand fields.
Testing the efficiency of watering a jar in the establishment of live seedlings and windbreaks.
Knowledge of the reasons for the withering of forestry in desert areas and providing practical solutions to restore their freshness;
Determining the critical height limit of sand dunes in terms of the availability of vegetation cover.
Undoubtedly, one of the most practical achievements of this department, which is being pursued by another department, was an effort that began more than two decades ago; An effort known as aquifer, whose positive feedback can be felt everywhere in the country’s desert ecosystems, and its scientific and practical acceptance by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as a way to save 800 million hungry people in the world from Malnutrition has been confirmed.